The real humility is positive, the false humility is the most accomplished demonstration of the pride. Learn to differentiate them to become a better person.
Real humility
False humility
Agree to depend on others: be aware(conscious) that if I
move forward, that does not depend on me but on all those who helped me in
past or support me today. Be delighted that we can make nothing without the
help(assistant) of others, even if it is paradoxically more difficult to
receive than to give.
Protect fiercely autonomy: ask for nothing to anybody, not
to go towards the others. The obsession of the autonomy of today’s people
(consequence of the king individualism) is harmful and really against the
real humility.
Good self-respect is a self-confidence accompanied with the
consciousness of our fragilities. Love ourselves without arrogance and
smoothly. Consider that every person has some value, and possesses talents
useful for the community, ourselves included, and that only our behavior, not
our person, can be bad. Be indulgent towards ourselves, recognize ourselves
both fallible and valid.
Self-hatred: this attitude hides in fact a swollen and
bruised ego. To depreciate or on the contrary glory ourselves, according to our
successes or failures is a poison.
The perseverance to do the right thing and to
pursue excellence,
despite the weaknesses and our relapses in mediocre behavior like the others.
The patience in front of various obstacles: delays, waste of time,
regulations, controls, mockeries, incompetence of others
The discouragement, the complacent or the
renunciation when we are confronted with the weaknesses and our and others
relapses in mediocre behavior.
The anger in front of obstacles: " I can’t handle all that
waiting "; " others are hopeless"
The good caution which means discretion, delicacy, tact,
anticipation, active listening, politeness, preparation, attention on the
feelings and the needs for others.
The bad caution which means shyness, fear, duplicity,
dissimulation, silence in front of the injustices. The humility, it is not to
run away from our responsibilities, it is to respond to our vocation and answer
the calls, with bravity, determination, it is to oppose the injustices with
strength, it is to spare no effort for the common good.
Hide our good deeds, not brag about them, glory boast
in front of the others, not to speak wildly without knowing, not spreading
showing off our knowledge culture, enjoying the signs of gratitude of others but
realizing here was a life without it.
Hide from the eyes of others: the misanthropy, escape from the
world, wrap itself in a splendid isolation, are demonstrations of the ego and
of a secret and distraught desire of admiration with a claim to despise it. Everyone
needs recognition and validation.
Make diligently the thankless and discreet
tasks: take care
spontaneously of modest actions and make them with consciousness, dedication,
commitment and skill. Work with self-abnegation in the shadow.
Consider that what we make has no value: " I serve nothing ",
" I do always the dirty work " " I am only a pawn ". As a
result, avoid or badly make these thankless tasks.
To give up the glories of this world (celebrity, honors, always more
money and tangible assets, medals, official recognitions)
Give up any ambition, give up making best use of the talents
and of skills which we received to build a better world, and to realize
completely our vocation in the service of the human community.
Help one another grow by granting trust: unearth and develop talents of
our entourage. It is by dedicating all our strengths so that the others become
stronger than us, so that we become ourselves completely upper.
Sacrifice ourselves for the others: we pretend that we sacrifice
ourselves for the others while in reality, we substitute ourselves for the
others because we are convinced that we cannot delegate to incapable or we
use the work as an addiction to avoid our personal issues.
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